Lei Qiao
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
05/2012: Ph.D. in Geophysics, Saint Louis University, USA
07/2006: M.S. in Marine Geology, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China
07/2003: B.S. in Geology, Lanzhou University, China
Research Interests
Climate change impacts on terrestrial hydrological systems
Watershed hydrologic monitoring and modeling
Remote Sensing of weather/hydrology variability
- Lei Qiao, Yang Hong, Sheng Chen, Jonathan J. Gourley, and Bin Yong, 2013, Performance assessment of the successive Version-6 and Version-7 TMPA using the VIC-3L model over the Verdigris River Basin, USA, Journal of Hydrology (submitted)
- Lei Qiao, Yang Hong, Renee McPherson, Mark Shafer, Sheng Chen, David Williams, David Gade, and Douglas Lilly, 2013, Climate change and hydrological response in the trans-state Oologah Lake watershed – Evaluating dynamically downscaled NARCCAP and statistically downscaled CMIP3 simulations with VIC model, Water Resources Management (in review)
- Lei Qiao, Zaitao pan, Robert Herrmann, and Yang Hong, 2013. Hydrological variability and uncertainty of lower Missouri River Basin under changing climate. Journal of American Water Resources Association (revision)
- Lei Qiao, Robert Herrmann, and Zaitao pan, 2013. Parameter Uncertainty Reduction for SWAT Using GRACE, Streamflow, and Groundwater Table Data for Lower Missouri River Basin, Journal of American Water Resources Association, 49(2):343-358
- Li, Y., L. Qiao, A. Wang, Y. Zhang, J. Fang, and J. Chen, 2013. Seasonal variation of water column structure and sediment transport in a mud depo-center off the Zhejiang-Fujian coast in China, Ocean Dynamics, 1-12.
- Yunhai Li, Xiang Ye, Aijun Wang, Haidong Li, Jian Chen, Lei Qiao, 2013. Impact of Typhoon Morakot on chlorophyll-a distribution on the inner shelf of the East China Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, doi: 10.3354/meps10223.
- Yunhai Li, Aijun Wang, Lei Qiao, Jianyong Fang, and Jian Chen, 2012. The impact of Typhoon Morakot on the modern sedimentary environment of the mud deposition center off the Zhejiang-Fujian coast, China. Continental Shelf Research, 37: 92-100.
- Lei Qiao, Rongming Yang, Guangxue Li, and Yanyan Ma, 2005.Technology of the spot-5 and its application to the marine functional zoning of Qingdao city, Transaction of Oceanology and Limnology,104(2): 8-12. (In Chinese with English abstract)
- Yanyan Ma, Guangxue Li, Rongming Yang, and Lei Qiao, 2005. Detection and analysis of development of the urban region with remotely sensed images in Qingdao, Marine Geology Letters, 21(11): 30-33. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Book Chapters and conference proceedings
- Yang Hong, Lu Liu, Lei Qiao and Pradeep Adhikari, 2012. Chapter II. Climate Change and Hydrological Hazards, Handbook of Engineering Hydrology
- Timothy Kusky, Lei Qiao, Abduwasit Ghulam, YuYan Chen, 2009. Urbanization and changes to the missouri river floodplain, Finding the Balance between Floods, Flood Protection, and River Navigation, published by Saint Louis University, Center for Environmental Sciences
Presentations and Posters
- Lei Qiao, Yang Hong, Renee McPherson, Mark Shafer, David Williams and Gene Lilly, Future water variability in the Oologah Lake watershed using VIC model – evaluating statistical downscaled CMIP3 and dynamical downscaled NARCCAP simulations. 2012 Oklahoma Water Research Symposium, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
- Lei Qiao, Zaitao pan, and Robert Herrmann, 2011. Hydrological variability and uncertainty induced by climate change in the lower Missouri River Basin-Based on NARCCAP simulations and SWAT model. American Geophysics Union (AGU) 2011 fall meeting, San Francisco, USA
- Lei Qiao, Zaitao Pan and Robert Herrmann, 2011, Bias-adjusted CRCM-CGCM3 simulation and its application in the SWAT modeling of lower Missouri River Basin, the 3rd North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP) users’ workshop, NCAR in Boulder, Colorado, USA. (Presentation)
- Lei Qiao, Robert Herrmann, Robert Ripperdan, and Zaitao Pan, 2010, Improvement of SWAT Calibration with GRACE, River flows, and Groundwater table data, American Geophysics Union (AGU) 2010 fall meeting, San Francisco, USA
- Lei Qiao, Robert Ripperdan, Tao Wang, 2010, Hydrological Variations in Lower Missouri Basin over 1958-1998: observations and SWAT model, 16th Annual Graduate Student Association-research symposium, Saint Louis University, USA. (Presentation)
- Lei Qiao, 2009, Temporal Changes of Surface Water Flow and Flooding Characteristics in The Lower Missouri River Basin, American Geophysics Union (AGU) 2009 fall meeting, San Francisco, USA
Contact Information
Address: ARRC Suite 4650, National Weather Center, 120 David L. Boren Blvd., Norman, OK 73072 USA
E-MAIL: Leiqiao1981@gmail.com/Lei.Qiao-1@ou.edu