HyDROS Students Joined NASA Landslide Project Field Trip


HyDROS students Zhanming Wan and Xiaodi Yu joined a team of 8 people from Colorado School of Mines (CSM), North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, and Univerisity of Oklahoma on a field trip to Asheville, NC area during May 29-June 1 for NASA landslide monitoring project. The team, led by Professor Ning Lu (CSM), visited three locations in western North Carolina to assess the suitability for field monitoring of hydrological conditions that lead to landslides: (1) Coweeta-Mooney Gap, (2) Poplar Cove, and (3) Bent Creek. At each site they hand dug ~1 meter deep pits to examine soil depth, stratigraphy, and composition. Specimens for material property testing were collected at each potential field monitoring site.