Let's break a Bud ๐ฏ๐ฅ 420% Budporn asmr weedporn cbd thc kush haze hightimes orangebud [-oM3ds6ntlt]
| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.
Strain: Orange Bud but it makes your body and mind high af also i guess it have 60%-70% Indica & 40%-30% sativa... ๐๐ฅ Smells like a lil bit like a Fruit Bowl with a punch of a strong Fruit that taste kinda like Dirt but in a good way.... I guess it have 17%-22% THCA and maybe 0,075 CBD show sum love and like, comment & share the Video and leave a Follow oh before i forget to say activate the bell when u want one of the first people who see the newest Videos and Check out the Community function on my Profil also u can vote how much Videos i should post in a Week and which category y'll want to see mostly, i start every week a Voting! check out my other Cannabis Content if u want to check out my other Social Media or want to Support me then Check out my Link: i need help to can pay my longtime therapie and every money what comes in get instandly to my mom because i dont want to use rhe cash for nothing also all bank transfer and paypal donation comes directly to my moms bank also i can't take it and buy some shit like drugs or alcohol and for every donation i post a Screenshot that the donation from y'll is on my moms bank account! ๐ซ๐งข๐ฏ all links with * are advertising about me just you know
Aired: December 12, 2024
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